How Did Advertising Change American Life

Question: Calvin Coolidge:

Answer: President of the U.S.(1923-1929) succeeded to presidency on death of Harding, elected in 1924

Question: Urban Sprawl:

Answer: The outward expansion of cities due to the invention of automobiles. People were able to work farthur from where they live which caused the cities to sprawl.

Question: Status Symbol:

Answer: the automobile became a status symbol, which was something every person needed to have

Question: national income:

Answer: the total amount of money earned within a country

Question: consumer debt:

Answer: Debts that are owed as a result of purchasing goods that are consumable

Question: Installment Plan:

Answer: An easy way to borrow money to buy goods. A dollar a week until you pay it off.

Question: Superficial Prosperity:

Answer: fake success. People had all these new things and appeared successfull, but they were all paying them on installment plans.

Question: Evaluate Calvin Colidge’s goals.

Answer: Calvin Coolidge’s goal was to allow private enterprise to flourish. Calvin Coolidge pushes for minimal government interference in business, low taxes, credit to businesses to expand, and high tariffs on imports.

Question: Name three ways the automobile changed American life.


Question: How did advertising change American life?

Answer: Advertising changed American life by making things that once were luxuries seam to be necessities. Through posters and ads, the companies made people think they had to have certain things.

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