Self Aid and Buddy Care (SABC) Complete Questions & Answers

This article will provide you with all the questions and answers for Self Aid and Buddy Care or SABC CBT.


Which of the following materials should not be used to secure a split?

- Cord


Why should the nasopharyngeal airway not be used if there is evidence of clear fluid coming from the nose or ears?

Answer: This may indicate a brain injury

The edges of the sealing material for an open wound should extend how far past the edge of the wound?

- At least 2 inches


How do you secure an impaled object at the entrance of the wound?

- Using Gauze


Swathes should be how wide?

-  3 to 6 inches


Which of the following are signs and symptoms of a fracture?

- All of the above


 Which of the following is a sign and symptom of an open chest wound?

- All of the above


 To stop severe bleeding of the upper leg, which pressure-point artery should you press on?

- Femoral


Where is the popliteal artery located?

- Behind the knee


 What types of symptoms can a casualty display after receiving an insect bite or sting?

- Both B and C

What position should you place a casualty in who has an abdominal wound?

- On his or her back with knees flexed


After using the Micropur MP1 water purifier tablets, how long should you allow before drinking the contaminated water?

- 4 hours

In which heat emergency should you apply cool packs to the neck, groin, and armpits?

-Heat stroke


Which heat emergency should you suspect if the skin of the casualty remains elevated when pinched?

- Dehydration

How should a burn be treated on a fractured limb?

- Dress and bandage the burn before the limb is splinted

What types of symptoms can a casualty display after being stung by a marine animal?

-Both A & B


What should you do if the intestines or organs are lying on the ground?

- Pick up the intestines or organs with a clean, dry dressing and place them on top of the casualty's abdomen near the wound


What should you always do when treating a casualty for heat exhaustion of heat stroke?

-Remove casualty from the hot environment


How long must an ATNAA or CANA auto-injection be held in place to treat nerve agent exposure?

 - 10 seconds


What is the primary means of mitigating or treating mild or severe symptoms of nerve agent exposure?

-Administer antidote and anticonvulsant auto-injections


When identifying a coral snake, what is the key phrase to remember?

- Red touch yellow will kill a fellow


What should you do if the combination of extremity elevation and direct pressure do not control the bleeding?

- Add pressure to the appropriate pressure point


Once you apply a tourniquet, how often should you loosen it?



What can cause a thermal burn?



Why is QuikClot Combat Gauze effective in controlling bleeding?

- It causes blood to clot within the wound


How do you stabilize the casualty's head when performing the jaw-thrust technique?

- By placing a forearm on each side of the casualty's head


What should you do if the wound bleeds through the emergency bandage?

- Place a new emergency bandage over the top of the existing bandages.


 How do you apply the QuikClot Combat Gauze?

- Unroll the gauze, and pack it directly into the wound while simultaneously applying direct pressure.


 When applying the emergency bandage to the head, what is done to prevent the bandage from shifting in place?

- Wrap the bandage at least once underneath the chin and back around the head.


Which of the following are severe signs of nerve agent exposure?

- Convulsions/seizures

For an average sized individual, what injection site should be used to administer nerve agent antidote and anticonvulsant auto injections?

- Upper outer thigh

What should you do if a person expresses intent to harm himself or herself or to harm others?

-Seek immediate medical assistance

To stop severe bleeding of the arm, which pressure point artery should you press on?


When applying the CAT, how many times is the windlass rod twisted?

-No more than three times

In which type of external bleeding is blood less likely to clot?

- Arterial

When should you use the quickclot combat gauze?

- When it is not practical or feasible to apply the CAT


 Which types of burns require immediate medical care due to their location?

-All of the above


Which type of snake's mouth is white when opened?

- Cottonmouth


What type of water should be used when washing a wound caused by a sea animal's stings?

- Seawater


 An individual is unable to make decisions or process information. Which type of stress does this describe?

- Mental


Which of the following are physical signs of stress?

- Paralysis of limbs, frequent urination, and trembling


What is the purpose of splinting a fracture?

- All of the above.


Shock is the body's reaction to what?

- Blood flow to one or more organs throughout the body is decreased.


Which airway-management technique minimizes the movement of the head, neck, and spinal cord to prevent further injuries?

- Jaw-thrust technique


After measuring, you decide that the nasopharyngeal airway is too long. What should you do?

- Cut it to the correct length, creating an angle.


Why must you seal an open chest wound?

- To stop air from entering the chest cavity and collapsing the lung


 How should you treat a casualty's eye injury?

- Apply a bandage to both eyes.


Which of the following will not result in a traumatic brain injury?

- Anaphylactic mishap


 Traumatic brain injury may occur after which of the following events?

-  Both A and C


What type of burn will cause both an entry and exit wound?

- Electrical


What type of sources can result in burns?

- All of the above


If an individual has an insect bite or sting, what can be used to reduce the chance of an infection and remove traces of venom?

- Rubbing alcohol or an antiseptic


Which type of snake typically has oval-shaped heads and round eyes?

- Nonpoisonous


When treating a snake bite, what should you do with the affected limb to decrease the spread of venom?

- Place the affected limb below the level of the heart.


What factor(s) will determine the amount of fluid (water) necessary to maintain proper body function?

- All of the above


During which heat emergency do you cool the casualty's ody by sprinkling him or her with water?

- Head exhaustion


How many fingers should you be able to slip under the emergency bandage after it has been applied?


Which of the following are signs and symptoms of a poisonous-snake bite?

-All of the above

What type of fracture has bone protruding from the skin?

-Open fracture

Why are open fractures a serious medical condition?

-Because there is an increased risk of infection, damage to the skin, and bleeding

Muscle cramps and muscle spasms are symptoms of which heat emergency?

- Heat exhaustion


What causes abnormally low body temperatures?

- Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures


What should be your first reaction upon being notified of a chemical attack?

- Don your mask and IPE


If you are exposed to a nerve agent, how many ATNAA (antidote) auto-injections should you administer to yourself or to a casualty before seeking medical guidance?

- Three


If more than one wound is found during a quick patient assessment, what should you do?

- Treat the most serious wound first.


In severe heat, how much water can a person lose each hour?
- 1 quart


What causes abnormally low body temperatures?
- Continued exposure to low or rapidly falling temperatures


Which type of external bleeding is red in color and rapidly spurts out from the body?
- Arterial


Where is the radial artery located?
- On the thumb side of the wrist


Which of the following signs of generalized hypothermia would a casualty display?
- Casualty may appear drowsy and confused

For thin or small-framed individuals, what injection site should be used to administer nerve agent antidote anticonvulsant auto-injections
Upper outer buttocks

How should you treat a casualty’s eye injury? (this one has been updated)
Apply a bandage to the injured eye only

What should you NEVER do during initial treatment of a suspected venomous snake bite?
Elevate the affected limb

What is the most common type of external bleeding?

What is used to immobilize the extremity after a fracture has been splinted and a sling applied?

What should you lubricate the nasopharyngeal airway with before inserting it?
Water-based lubricant

When using the emergency bandage, what should you do once the elastic bandage is placed through the pressure bar?

Reverse the wrapping direction, and continue bandaging the wound