Active Shooter Survival Virtual Course

What is the second phase of Disaster Response?

Without mental or physical rehearsal you are able to think clearly under extreme stress.

Which answer below bests describes our human brain, or Neo-Cortex?
Reflective, Flexible, Rational, Slow, the Thinking Brain

Which of the two brains described in the course is designed for our survival?
Lizard brain

What are the primary responses to threats that our Lizard brain is designed to implement?
Freeze, Flight, or Fight

Within the Deliberation phase of the Disaster Response, there are techniques described in the course to keep our human brain engaged as long as possible. Which of the below techniques were described in the course?
Calm Yourself, Combat Breathing, Shift Your Emotion, Stay Physically Fit

There will be a time that you are under so much stress that your human brain will not be able to function. In order to train your lizard brain to take correct measures, we must mentally script and practice often before an Active Shooter even ever occurs.

In the Decisive Moment stage of the disaster response, it is important to choose the most perfect action because your life will depend on how correct you act?

The best community response option(s) that you have available to increase your chance of survival is or are:
All of the above

Being situationally aware means that you are not only aware of what is going on around you but also where the exits are.

Some options available for consideration when executing your escape are: (choose all that apply).
All of the above

When initiating the Barricade option, you should accomplish which of the following?
All of the above

When using a physical barricade in a room where the doors open outward and you cannot lock the door you should:
Use ropes, cables, belts, tactical cinches, etc..

When you barricade yourself into a room, you are safe and simply stand by for Security Forces to arrive.

Once a room is barricaded and you have no other options, you should position yourself in such a manner that will allow you to rapidly and violently ambush the shooter if he/she enters the room.

If the shooter enters a room you are in and you are prepared for an ambush, what should you go for first?
The gun and attempt to take it away from the shooter and do not let go

Which of the following can be used as makeshift weapons followed by an immediate assault?
All of the above

When striking the shooter, strike with as much force as you can muster. What areas are most vulnerable on the shooter?
Neck, groin, eyes, throat

You should use violent acts such as screams, yells, and you must be more violent than the shooter and do not stop until the threat is neutralized.

The Community Response options of Escape, Barricade, and Fight was in order of precedence.