Healthstream Exam Answers

Question: Which of the following is a work practice control used to safeguard against exposure to bloodborne pathogens?

Answer: Use of alcohol-based hand rubs for routine hand hygiene

Question: Which of the following is an example of an engineering control to limit exposure to bloodborne pathogens?

Answer: Safety needles

Question: If you are exposed to a patient’s blood or OPIM, immediately _____________.

Answer: wash the exposed area

Question: In the general public, bloodborne diseases are most commonly spread through mother-to-child transmission, unprotected sex, and ________________.

Answer: Sharing drug needles

Question: Your employer must offer (at no cost to you) a vaccine against ___________ if your job _____________.

Answer: hepatitis B; puts you at risk for exposure to bloodborne pathogens

Question: Which of the following best describes a safeguard against exposure to bloodborne pathogens in any healthcare setting?

Answer: Use Standard Precautions in the care of all patients.

Question: As a preceptor, you are observing a new nurse’s injection practices. Which action is the only safe injection practice?

Answer: Never administering medications from the same syringe to more than one patient, even if the needle is changed

Question: After a blood or OPIM exposure, treatment for ___________ should begin within ___________; treatment for __________ should begin within ________.

Answer: HIV; hours; HBV; 24 hours

Question: Three of the most concerning bloodborne pathogens are ______________.

Answer: hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV

Question: Healthcare workers are at risk of infection from HIV, HBV, HCV or other bloodborne pathogens through ____________.

Answer: needlesticks or other sharps injuries

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